

Alen Šiljak's homepage

You have reached Alen Siljak's personal web pages. Please, use the links on the left to visit different areas of this site. The updates to the site are listed in the separate page, accessible from the box below, so you can see the latest changes.

You can search my pages with Google search engine (this lags behind recent page updates, but is useful once the whole site is indexed).

A bit of history:
The background tile used for this page dates from 1995 (or so) when I've used the Internet for the first time. This background came with Arachne, DOS-based web browser. Bear in mind that at the given time the war in Bosnia just ended and, although it may seem late for a "normal" internet user, it was the time when the Internet was available for the first time from Sarajevo. I called the number for anonymous dial-up users in Croatian internet provider because none existed in Bosnia and Herzegovina at the time.