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My UML Tutorial



This tutorial relates mainly to the Analysis and Design phases of the SDLC, which are the most critical ones. The UML diagram creation in Software Development process goes approximately this way: (original url at Software Development Magazine)

The diagram above basically displays the two orange sets of diagrams which closely relate to Analysis (the diagram above) and Design (the diagram below).

The Top 10 Use-Case Pitfalls
  1. The system boundary is undefined or inconstant.
  2. The use cases are written from the system's (not the actors') point of view.
  3. The actor names are inconsistent.
  4. There are too many use cases.
  5. The actor-to-use case relationships resemble a spider's web.
  6. The use-case specifications are too long.
  7. The use-case specifications are confusing.
  8. The use case doesn't correctly describe functional entitlement.
  9. The customer doesn't understand the use cases.
  10. The use cases are never finished.

During the Analysis phase the Use Case Model is produced after analyzing the users' requirements. Use cases must be created from the user's point of view, not designer's. Also, avoid some other very common pitfalls. You can also see the list in the floating box to the right.

The next stage is Problem Domain modeling (the original text). The goal of this stage is to identify objects that represent their real-world counterparts.

Then the robustness analysis steps in. The narrative text from the Use Cases is worked upon to produce the initial set of objects that will satisfy the requirements from the use case. These objects are then classified on the roles they play. The produced document is the Robustness Diagram in the diagram above.

This approach, called Iconix and described in  "Driving Design with Use Cases" at sdmagazine.com, is quite similar, if not identical, to the controlled iterative method listed at the UML page.